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Unlocking the Power
AI in Action

XPT Global: Transforming industries through practical applications.

XPT-Global: Your AI & BI Global Data Experts.

AI-driven Recommendations: Elevating the Retail Shopping Experience

$1B retail footwear company had an initiative to enhance and coordinate the physical and virtual shopping experience. XPT developed AI algorithms to analyze personas, shopping patterns, market trends. The main goals of the project included:

  • Enhanced target marketing

  • Personalized recommendations

  • Optimized product promotions

Tailored Experiences: AI-Enabled Personalized Recommendations for Enhanced Customer Engagement

The AI system is integrated with the company's e-commerce platform, and continuously monitors customer interactions in-store, on the website and mobile app. The advantage for the retailer in having this type of solution is understanding the demographic of consumers who want a more expensive, high-quality product while others who are price sensitive. Knowing how to distinguish the profiles is advantageous to maximize the return of each customer. When a customer browses products, the AI algorithm analyzes their shopping history, preferences, and demographics to provide personalized recommendations.

Driving Growth and Customer Satisfaction: AI-Driven Optimization for Personalized Recommendations, Promotions, and Market Messaging

This feature enables customers to identify relevant products, save time and increase the conversion rate. Additionally, the AI system optimizes product promotions and discounts to ensure that customers receive the best possible deals. The system analyzes customer purchase history and shopping trends to help the company tailor special offers to individuals and maximize sales. Lastly, the project enhances market messaging by analyzing customer interactions with marketing campaigns and channels. In summary, the AI project in retail enhances the customer shopping experience by providing personalized recommendations, optimizing product promotions and discounts, and enhancing market messaging. The result is increased customer satisfaction, loyalty, and 20% greater sales conversions post AI project for the company. A potential future project includes algorithms suggesting the most effective messaging channels for specific demographics for insights to optimize content, boosting campaign performance and ROI.

XPT-Global: Your AI & BI Global Data Experts.

Unleashing Customer Engagement: AI-Driven Recommendations for Enhanced Sales and Loyalty in the Grocery Retailer Industry

A $10 billion Grocery Retailer planned to enhance customer service and improve sales by providing intelligent and tailored recommendations. Initially, data scientists were hired to manually analyze customer data, but given the volume of data, it was not scalable.

AI-Powered Personalization: Boosting Sales with Tailored Recommendations and Basket Optimization

Therefore, they incorporated AI algorithms to analyze the data, and as a starting point, the supermarket used a model that recommends products with the most likely purchase given customer history in recent weeks. The algorithm analyzes the customer's purchase history over the last few weeks to identify patterns and make recommendations on products likely to be purchased. These recommendations are then displayed to the customer while they are in-store browsing and take advantage of personalized promotions at checkout, or on the mobile app for home delivery. The next AI algorithm they implemented was a recommendation engine that suggests products which complement or combine well with products already in the customer's shopping basket. The recommendations aim to increase the basket size and reduce cart abandonment.

AI-Driven Recommendations Transforming Grocery Retailer Sales and Customer Loyalty

The Grocery Retailer also incorporated user feedback and behavior into the algorithms to further refine the recommendations. The impact of the AI algorithms was impressive. The Grocery Retailer saw an increase of 25% in additional purchase conversion, as well as an increase in average basket size. By showing personalized recommendations and suggestions, customers felt the Grocery Retailer understood their needs and preferences, resulting in increased loyalty and customer satisfaction. The implementation of the recommendation engine also allowed the Grocery Retailer to identify correlations between products that would have been difficult for human analysts to identify. An additional benefit occurred when patterns in purchasing behavior and basket composition emerged across their entire customer base, and helped the Grocery Retailer make better decisions on how best to stock their stores and which products to promote.  With continued AI implementation and refinement, this Grocery Retailer giant will have no problem meeting and exceeding CLV and customer retention for years to come.

XPT-Global: Your AI & BI Global Data Experts.

Transforming Retail with AI: Building an Advanced MLOPS Platform for Personalized Customer Experiences

A large global home improvement retailer has terabytes of customer history and 3rd party demographic data, and in need of an MLOPS data model to process, analyze and deliver personalized recommendations at the point of sale. Their large IT team had a complete ecosystem for building and deploying customer-facing applications and analytics but did not have the appropriate environment to build and deploy AI models, nor had the appropriate skill sets internally to enable it.

Supercharging Your Business with XPT Global's Integrated Platform and Dedicated Staff

In addition to these powerful features, our platform also comes with infrastructure technical support and staff augmentation as needed. This means that you'll have access to a team of experts who can help you with any technical issues or questions you may have, as well as additional staff to help you scale your AI initiatives as your business grows.

Supercharging Your Business with XPT Global's Integrated Platform and Dedicated Staff

In addition to these powerful features, our platform also comes with infrastructure technical support and staff augmentation as needed. This means that you'll have access to a team of experts who can help you with any technical issues or questions you may have, as well as additional staff to help you scale your AI initiatives as your business grows.


Brazil: São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro

USA: Chicago



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